Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Benefits of a Workers Comp Audit and Code Review -

Here's a page on who can benefit from an independent workers comp audit and code review:

Industries and Employers Who Benefit from a Workers Comp Audit and Code Review

It's estimated that somewhere between 25% and 50% of all businesses overpay for their workers compensation insurance. So it's pretty easy to figure out just who benefits from having a workers comp audit and code review performed! Every Business!

This page, by Workers Compensation Consultants, will give you a better idea of just what type of industries have more success in discovering errors and having them corrected during a review.

  • All Contractors, all types, all sizes
  • Manufacturers
  • Wholesalers
  • Distributors
  • Transportation
  • Medical, Hospital and other health care
  • Large Retailers
  • Machine Shops
  • Associations
  • Processing and Assembly
  • Not for Profits

    So if you are engaged in any of the types of industries listed above you need to contact Workers Compensation Consultants
    to arrange a workers compensation audit and code review for your business today!

  • Monday, February 23, 2009

    Pay As You Go Workers Comp - The Real Problem

    Here's the problem with Pay As You Go Workers Comp, it's sold all over the place online as the hot new trend in workers compensation insurance when in fact it's just a new way to pay premium.

    On this web page by Workers Compensation Consultants, you'll find the real problems with pay as you go workers comp;
  • emphasis only on how to pay;
  • restricted work comp codes;
  • still require down payments,deposits;
  • loss of budgeting;
  • loss of control;
  • limited choice of insurance carrier;
  • still have work comp audits;
  • still have certificates to deal with.

    This web page will delve into the real nuts and bolts about pay as you go workers compensation insurance! Here's the link:

    The Problem With Pay As You Go Workers Comp

  • Friday, February 20, 2009

    Top Five Tips About Workers Compensation - For new & experienced employers!

    You'll find the top five tips every employer should know about workers compensation insurance on this web page: five things every employer should know about workers comp insurance.

    This page is full of great information every employer should know. You'll learn:

  • about the workers compensation basics;
  • how to develop good job descriptions;
  • how job descriptions are used to determine workers compensation codes;
  • how to classify your payroll by work comp codes;
  • how to watch for misclassification of workers comp codes;
  • to always have your workers compensation policies and audits reviewed by: Workers Compensation Consultants.

    We know this page will help you keep your work comp premiums as low as possible during these difficult economic times!

  • Thursday, February 19, 2009

    Reduced Annual Workers Compensation Premium By $15,000 - Want to know how?

    In this tight economy, how would you like to cut your workers compensation premium by $15,000? How about $111,500? Don't think it can be done?

    Then you need to visit $111,500 reasons why you should use our service!

    The above link takes you to a page found on Workers Compensation Consultants web site where you'll find a description of an actual case in which one single error cost a business owner an estimated $111,500.

    This was not a complicated workers comp error, but one that insurance agents and auditors seemed to overlook for several years. A simple error that had a significant impact on the bottom line of this business.

    Workers Compensation Consultants discover and help correct workers comp errors just like this one.

    So, if you wonder why you should use a professional workers compensation consultant to review your audits, workers compensation codes, experience mod factors and premium calculations, think about the $111,500 reasons, and contact Workers Compensation Consultants!


    Tuesday, February 17, 2009

    What is workers compensation payroll?

    When it comes to workers compensation rules and regulations payroll may just mean more than what YOU think it means!

    Workers compensation insurance policy premiums are based primarily on two items, remuneration or payroll and rates per class code. So in order to fully understand how a workers comp policy is priced you have to know what constitutes payroll under the rules and regulations of workers compensation.

    This new web page will help you understand just what payroll is and just how it effects the work comp premium you pay!

    Here's the link:
    Workers Compensation Payroll and Remuneration


    Monday, February 16, 2009

    Lookup Your State Workers Compensation Laws and Rules.

    This site provides a list of all 50 states where you simply pick a state, go to that states page and find out the workers compensation rules and regulations. You'll also find links to each of the 50 states governing authority for workers compensation.

    Here's the link:
    Find Workers Compensation Rules, Laws and Regulations For All Fifty States

    This is where you can find out;
  • if an employer is required to carry workers compensation;
  • if sole proprietors, partners, LLC members and corporate officers are included in workers compensation;
  • who the rating bureau is;
  • if the state allows waivers;
  • if there are special rules;
  • how contractors and subcontractors are treated in regards workers comp coverage;
  • who the regulatory authority is and how to contact them;
  • if workers compensation is compulsory or not.

    So if you are looking for any information about workers compensation rules, regulations, statutes or laws be sure to visit this page brought to you by Workers Compensation Consultants.

  • Dispute A Workers Compensation Audit - Learn When, How and Why.

    There are right ways to do things and wrong ways to do things and when it comes to filing a proper dispute on a workers compensation audit there's only ONE way to do it right!

    Workers Compensation Consultants has provided this FREE information page to give you advice on how to properly file your complaint.

    Here's the link to this page:
    How to File a Workers Compensation Audit Dispute

    Go here and you'll learn;
  • when to know if you should file a dispute;
  • how to properly file your complaint;
  • and why you should dispute your workers comp audit.

    We hope this page will help and remember if you need professional help just contact Workers Compensation Consultants!

  • Thursday, February 12, 2009

    Monopolistic States Workers Compensation

    Not all states are equal when it comes to workers compensation! And the Monopolistic States are in a class of their own!

    There's a new page on the web that helps answers these questions about the Monopolistic States;

  • What is a Monopolistic States?
  • Which States are Monopolistic?
  • What makes each of these states different?
  • What problems do employers face within these States?
  • What does the future hold for Monopolistic States workers compensation?

    Here's the link:

    Monopolistic States Workers Compensation - The History - The Problems - The Future

    Hope this helps you out! Thanks!
  • Wednesday, February 11, 2009

    Workers Comp Audit Errors - A Top Ten List

    Ever wonder what the most common mistakes found on a workers compensation audit might be?

    Then take a look at this page: Audit Errors and Mistakes - A Top Ten List. It's provided by Workers Compensation Consultants. You'll find out ten of the most common mistakes that literally costs employers tens of thousands of dollars each and every year in overpaid workers compensation premium.

    If you are an employer and are required to provide workers compensation coverage for your workforce, then this page is a must read! Best thing, IT'S FREE INFORMATION! So check this page and find out if YOU are OVERPAYING for YOUR workers compensation!

    Remember, if you need help with a workers compensation premium audit problem contact Workers Compensation Consultants, a professional work comp consulting firm, who works for you!

    Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    Help For A Workers Compensation Problem!

    Workers Compensation Consultants is a professional workers comp insurance consulting firm. If you find you need help with a work comp problem you should always check with them to see if they have a quick answer for your specific situation.

    You'll find that Workers Compensation Consultants specializes in solving premium problems for their clients. They maintain a great web page that's chocked full of free, valuable information about workers compensation insurance. And don't forget to check out the specific workers compensation information for your state which can be found on their site. Just click the link on their home page for any state for more information.

    So don't forget to check with WCC for help with answers to your questions about workers compensation.

    You can find them at:

    Workers Compensation Consultants

    Monday, February 9, 2009

    A glossary of workers compensation terms for your use!

    Confused about workers compensation terms? Employer, injured worker or insurance professionals all need help when it comes to understanding the somewhat confused language of workers comp!

    Don't let the work comp claims adjuster, work comp auditor or insurance agent talk circles around you. Arm yourself with this FREE workers compensation glossary provided for your use by Workers Compensation Consultants.

    We know you will find usable definitions of workers compensation terms on this page. Just visit:

    Workers Compensation Glossary of Terms

    Have a great day!

    Thursday, February 5, 2009

    Bad Workers Compensation Audit? - Learn how to file a proper dispute.

    It happens all the time. An employer gets his workers compensation audit in the mail from his insurance company and is surprised the insurance company wants more money!

    Workers Compensation Consultants has put up a new page on their website designed to help employers know how and when to dispute a workers comp audit. Yes, there is a proper way to do this and if it's not followed, an employer could land in more trouble than they bargained for! Don't believe the short cuts, just get the facts. Answer the questions on this page and find out if you really need to file a dispute.

    So take a look at this page:

    Know when and how to file a workers comp audit dispute

    You'll find some great free information about this topic and if you need some help, just call Workers Compensation Consultants!

    Workers Compensation Codes - Uncover the Mystery!

    To explain the workers compensation codes and classification system can be a challenge, a challenge to individual employers and insurance professionals alike. But a good understanding of the work comp codes and classifications can be a very useful tool for any employer. With a better understanding, an employer will be able to unlock some of the secrets to the workers compensation pricing mechanism. You'll find this page by Workers Compensation Consultants a great resource of free information on this topic.

    Topics included on this page are:

  • A general overview of work comp codes and classification
  • A classification code and rate example
  • Specific state classification problems
  • How to determine a proper workers compensation code
  • Standard exception classes
  • Find out who's responsible for assigning work comp class codes.
  • And more...

    Here's the link to this page:

    Workers Compensation Codes and Classes Explained

    Hope this information helps you out. Don't forget to contact Workers Compensation Consultants for independent help with workers comp codes and classifications.

  • Wednesday, February 4, 2009

    Need help preparing for a workers compensation audit? Read on!

    If you dread the workers compensation auditors visit to your business then go to this new Workers Compensation Consultants web page on how to prepare for an audit. You will learn what TO do and what NOT to do when presenting your payroll information to the insurance company auditor.

    Learn about how to prepare your payroll records for presentation to the auditor. Learn what a workers compensation auditor is really looking for when they conduct your audit. Learn about those things to avoid when facing an insurance company auditor.

    So if you have a work comp audit scheduled or coming up in the future just go to the below web page. You will find it helpful!

    Help preparing you for a workers compensation audit

    While you're there don't forget to look around! You'll find a ton of helpful,useful information about workers compensation.


    Tuesday, February 3, 2009

    Pay As You Go Workers Compensation Insurance - Just What Is It?

    There's a hot new trend in the world of workers compensation insurance. It's called "pay as you go workers compensation."

    How's this really different from traditional workers compensastion insurance? What makes this new way of paying for workers compensation attractive? What's the REAL facts about this new trend?

    If you're looking for REAL answers about "pay as you go workers compensation," don't go to those web sites that are selling or hawking this product, go to Workers Compensation Consultant for an in depth discussion about the pros and cons with this product.

    Below is a direct link to the Workers Compensation Consultants page concerning this topic:

    Helpful information about "Pay As You Go Workers Compensation" with a discussion about the pro's and con's.

    Hope this helps you out! Thanks!

    Monday, February 2, 2009

    What's This Blog All About.....

    It's really simple. This blog is all about bringing new and updated information to the web about workers compensation. More importantly it's a place where we will provide you with updated site information and let you know about new content about workers compensation placed on these sites as it comes available. Hope this blog will be of some assistance to you. Thanks!