Monday, June 1, 2009

Insurance Certificate Problems and Information

Check out the new information about insurance certificates at Workers Compensation Consultants website for a lot of free helpful information on this topic.

When is the last time someone asked your business for a certificate of insurance or an insurance certificate? Well if you're in some type of contracting business I'll bet it was just a matter of minutes ago! Yep, insurance certificates seem to make the world of contracting go round!

A few things about certificates:

1. They are basically worthless pieces of paper, have you ever been charged for a certificate? So they are really worth what you pay;
2. They are for informational purposes only;
3. They are the most confusing piece of paper in the insurance world;
4. Most people asking for them don't know why they are asking;
5. Most people giving them out don't know why they are giving them;
6. Everybody thinks they provide some type of coverage or at least assurance, in fact they don't;

So, if some other business asks you about certificates of insurance or needs proof of workers compensation insurance or needs an insurance certificate showing you carry workers comp, read up on what it's all about at Workers Compensation Consultants before you're so fast to send one out!


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