Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Workers Compensation Premium Review

Do you need a workers comp premium review? YES!!!

If you are an employer, in any state, and have a workers compensation insurance policy then YOU NEED A WORKERS COMP PREMIUM REVIEW!! You might just be wondering why?

Simple, insurance companies make premium mistakes on workers comp policies EVERY DAY! (kinda sounds like I'm worked up..) It's just amazing the amount of overcharged premium dollars that employers pay and pay and pay and don't bother to speak the simple word why, why, why do I seem to be paying so much more for workers comp than my friend in the same business down the street? Why do my workers comp premiums just keep going up? Why do I get hit with large audits each and every year?

Here's what I'm told: "But I thought my agent was taking care of me!"

I usually hear that after a workers comp premium review has discovered mistakes and identified overcharges the client has been paying to the insurance company for years!

So, learn this, mistakes are made every day, don't be a victim and pay more for workers compensation insurance than you need. Have a workers comp premium review completed today! Reviews shouldn't cost you a penny unless the work comp consulting company can get your money back. Then you share with them. It's like a windfall for the employer. The employer gets money back they didn't even know was out there!! Check with Workers Compensation Consultants, they can help.

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