Monday, March 30, 2009

Should I File An Audit Dispute On My Workers Comp?

We are asked this question quite often by business owners and clients alike. Here's my take on filing a formal audit dispute.

Let's begin by stating when you should not file a dispute;

1. If you think you pay too much for your workers comp....not a good enough reason to file a dispute. You must have details and be able to show why the audit is factually incorrect. You cannot just rely on the idea you pay too much in premium!

2. When you don't have enough money to pay the audit and just need a little time....bad idea to file a dispute. Payment issues should remain just that, payment issues. An audit dispute should never be used as a delay technique. Even if you do file an audit dispute, you still have to pay that portion of the audit premium not in dispute, and you must provide details!

So when is it a good idea to file a workers comp audit dispute?

1. When there is a clearly definable mistake found on the audit.

2. Payroll numbers used by the auditor do not match those provided.

3. A misclassification or change in work comp codes was applied to your workers.

Check out more details on when to file a workers compensation audit dispute at this page: How and When to File a Workers Comp Audit Dispute

So if you don't file a dispute then what can you do if you think there is a problem with your audit but you're not really sure where to start.

1. To begin with you should always be able to talk with the auditor, even after the audit is complete. If you have any question about how or why they arrived at what they did, contact the auditor and ask them!

2. Ask your agent for help. After all, your agent is the one who is most times responsible for establishing the work comp codes used and classifying the payrolls into the proper codes for the policy.

3. When in doubt always seek professional workers compensation consultants help. Most of the folks out there who provide this assistance have many years of experience and will be able to help you with most any workers comp audit problems. I've had success in working with Workers Compensation Consultants who can be found at

Hope this blog has been of some help to you. Thanks!

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